
Our Open Source Tools help you Reduce Emissions

PowerBalance: Model & Cost Renewable Energy Scenarios
GHG Calculator: Emissions & Energy Self-Assessment Calculator
Low Carbon Footprint Living
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Open Source Software Tools for Emissions Reductions

The objective of this website is to provide open source software tools to facilitate reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by individuals, companies and governments in two ways:

  • Reducing environmental footprint
  • Cost effective planning of renewable electricity grids

This website is home to open source energy software programs, which are downloadable from this site:

PowerBalance2 (PB2) – software for designing and costing state-scale renewable electricity generation grids. PowerBalance2 is downloadable from the PowerBalance page.  PB2 is designed to be used with the renewable energy modelling software such as SIREN which is downloadable here.

GHG-Energy Calc  – a user-friendly downloadable emissions and energy calculator, developed primarily for individuals and institutions to self-audit their carbon emissions – click here for the GHG-Energy Calc page.