GHG Energy Calculator

  • A user-friendly downloadable emissions and energy calculator
  • Open source free resource to assist individuals, schools and businesses to make decisions about how to most effectively reduce their ‘carbon footprint’
  • Produced in Australia but can be used world-wide, as most fuel emission factors do not vary significantly from country to country and user can select electricity generation factor for their state
  • First posted 2003 and updated twice – 2009 and 2020 (this version)
  • Still perhaps the most user-friendly comprehensive personal greenhouse gas emissions calculator available

Click here for typical household example
Click here for tips on how to use the Calculator

For details of the calculations and reference material behind it click here

GHG-Energy Calc7 is the latest version, updated in 2020. The main advances are:

  1. Users can now enter or select an electricity carbon emission factor (EF) for their country or state. The EF’s have been updated to 2019 figures.
  2. The Calculator estimates electricity energy input factors.
  3. Users can now enter their data for up to three electric vehicles.
  4. The electricity EF’s are now used in the emissions and energy calculations for electric vehicles, electric trains and water supply in addition to home electricity use.

These four improvements deliver more accurate, location-specific results. As fossil fuel emissions do not vary significantly from country to country, GHG-Energy Calc can now produce accurate ‘carbon footprint’ estimates for any country in the world.

Commercial users of GHG-Energy Calc and the associated resources are asked to acknowledge this website and the Author and are encouraged to donate to enable updates and improvements